Bianco Nero Tarot The Devil card in the Major Arcana, along with the Death card and the Tower card are three of the most feared cards in the tarot for those who do not understand what they represent. Even those who are new to the tarot, fear these cards until they understand what each represent. We will peek into the Tower & Death card in my next blog post. Today's post, I am looking at addiction through the lens of the Devil card in the Major Arcana. The deck I am using for this post is the Bianco Nero deck (my all-time favorite go-to deck). The Devil (Card number 15 in the Major Arcana) symbolizes the darker/shadow side of our psyche. As quoted by Isaac Cotec from , "The Shadow is the dark side of our personality, which we often repress and deny. It is the part of us that we are afraid to admit exists, and it can often be associated with negative qualities such as anger, jealousy, and greed." The Devil is full of illusion. All that glitters is not ...
The 12 Steps have played a significant role in my life. From opening the doors to develop a spiritual foundation for myself, to understanding the nature of addiction and my own addictions, as well as how to cope with being the mother of an adult child addict. For many years I stayed away from 12 Step groups due to a variety of reasons. The number one reason was feeling that I had to follow a Higher Power based on religion. Mind you, that is not a bad thing. For me, mainstream religion and I do not mix. Spiritual Sovereignty and Freedom are non-negotiable for me. I need the Freedom to connect to a Higher Power of my own understanding regardless of what that may be. When I actually stopped long enough to actually work through the 12 Steps, I realized that I could choose who and what God meant to me. That is when the portal of my heart opened up and my world changed. I have always sought a multitude of ways that encourage my healing journey. Aromatherapy and essential o...